Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just thinking today...

I am still not feeling well... the coughing HURTS so BAD!!  BUT what really has me thinking is - those of you that have ASTHMA!!  WOW!  I can hardly breathe and I KNOW that those you that suffer with this do it daily!!  I am AMAZED how uncomfortable and even scary this feeling is that I just can't catch my breath!! And when I do it HURTS!! SO I PRAYED for those of you that I KNOW have asthma and PRAYING HARD that Liam does NOT have it!!

NO photos of me at this time  =)


Unknown said...

Have you seen the doctor yet? Sure hope you get better soon...praying for you:)

CIP said...

WOW, You sound like H1N1 ! My son has asthma - since 18 months after many many ambulance trips to our local hospital, we ended up at the Childrens Hospital in SW Ontario-where he stopped breathing twice before being admitted to NICU. I remember waking up to him crying in the night prior to this and saying "he seems scared", and it wasn't a normal, I'm alone scared. I realised later when they told me it's probably happened several times. I hope you are feeling better soon-and will be praying for you too!