Thursday, September 25, 2008

Going thru withdrawls...

I am really appreciating my mac computer! I still don't have it back yet... but at least it works MORE than it doesn't work! HAHA!! I really am having a difficult time with out a reliable computer - I don't get emails on time and I can't feed all my little addictions! Like blog stalking, Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, and my photography boards... AND to be quite honest now... HOW did I ever get anything done??? I don't know how YOU all do it?? With all the blogging and Facebook OH! and Loopt... I just let my life pile up here on my desk! AND I so want to post a photo - but once again technology does not let me! ALL of my life is wrapped up in my other computer! Besides by the time I could figure out how to get it on this old one... it would kick me off the server! It has been doing that ALL WEEK LONG!! Anyway I am hoping my computer comes home soon =) I miss it!!

1 comment:

Tiffany Harper said...

Pam this post makes me giggle! I too am an internet addict! Drives my hubby crazy! lol. I guess I should praise God that my laptop at home isn't working right now or else I would really be in trouble. Everyone would starve and wear dirty laundry! hehe.