Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This seems to be my word for today...

I do know the verse 1John 4:18 - there is no fear in LOVE; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

I am having dental surgery today... And I am EXTREMELY fearful of the dentist! I usually cry every time I am in his office!! I do not have a perfect love for him... And I do BELIEVE it does involve punishment! :)

I am not usually a fearful person... I do KNOW GOD is always there!! And HE will take care of me!! I really do KNOW this... But, when it comes to the dentist... My heart just doesn't quite grasp this... Maybe because of the pain!!!

So I am clinging to this Psalm today... Because I FEEL like it IS the shadow of DEATH today!!

Plus this... I KNOW I still have a future... Haha!!

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